Monday, May 17, 2010


So, I've had a lot of people asking recently if I'm scared about the surgery. Why not answer through blog?

Really, I don't think "scared" is the word for it...more like "petrified"! Kidding, kidding. No, in actuality I'm really not scared at all. I guess the closer that we get to transplant day (36 days now!), the more and more I feel the "bigness" of it all. I find myself thinking: "Wow, pretty soon I'm going to have one less organ." That doesn't feel scary to me as much as it feels surreal.

I'm not naive and know that anything can happen, but I also know that anything can happen...anytime...anywhere. The scariness of life surrounds us; it doesn't just show up in a kidney transplant. I've really been taught the lesson in my own life as of late (a lesson learned outside of thinking about this surgery) that we can't cower in a corner because life is scary. Instead of worrying about what will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we have to live life one day at a time--rejoicing in the awesomeness of it and dealing with the chaos it brings as it comes. That way, we don't miss the great things, don't waste energy fretting the scary things that never come to be, and have the strength to confront the latter when they do appear.

Plus, it's pretty hard to be scared knowing how "easy" this laparoscopic surgery really is and knowing what stellar (some of the best in the country) doctors will be taking care of me.

So, my answer? I'm not skeered!

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